Work-linked training: one foot in school, the other in the company Viaposte

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The 2023 work-study recruitment campaign has been launched!

Because theory is good, but theory + professional practice is better!

The work-study or apprenticeship contract represents a real opportunity for students. It allows them to apply the knowledge they have learned during their schooling to practical projects within companies. Thanks to their tutor, the students discover a trade and the business world; this "field" training provides professional experience for their future careers.

"Helping young people to enter the professional world is of huge importance to us at Viaposte. We recruit work-study students for all our logistics, industrial maintenance, transport and support functions, and at all school levels," says Catherine Goldfarb, Director of Human Resources at Viaposte.

The recruitment campaign for work-study students for the 2023 academic year began several weeks ago with the identification of all the assignments to be offered to students looking for a work-study contract within the company. The recruitment of candidates will therefore begin in the next few days, following the publication of advertisements on the Viaposte career website.

Work-linked training in 2022 at Viaposte

Every year, Viaposte recruits work-study students at its various sites throughout France, offering apprenticeship or professional training contracts. In 2022, Viaposte welcomed 55 work-study students at its sites, who have been given professional experience and trained within the company.

Viaposte invests in training young people, as since 2019, more than 20 work-study students have joined the company on a permanent basis by signing a permanent contract.

Discover the testimonies of Viaposte's work-study students

Viaposte work-study testimonials

Viaposte work-study testimonials

Partnerships to promote work-study assignments

A few weeks ago, 12 apprentices from the new class of GEIQ Impact joined one of Viaposte's logistics sites in the Paris region.

The GEIQ Impact programme (Groupement d'Employeurs pour l'Insertion et la Qualification [Insertion and Qualification Employer Grouping]) enables people who aren’t employed to receive training in logistics professions over a period of six months, alternating theoretical learning with concrete work situations in companies.

12 apprentices in training had already joined this site last year and the positive experience of the work-study scheme made the teams want to renew the partnership.

"Volunteer tutors, from agents to team leaders, accompanied and trained them for 6 months,  helping them discover the supply chain professions and acquiring new skills in lorry loading, parcel unloading and sorting. The tutors had previously been trained in tutoring", explains the site manager.

Apprentices from the new class of GEIQ Impact

Forums to present our work-study placements

Viaposte's human resources teams recruit work-study students for all departments and from all school levels. They regularly take part in forums in schools to present Viaposte, its activities and the work-study contracts and assignments on offer.

On Friday 31 March, together with the head of organisation and methods, they took part in the ICAM engineering school's company forum to offer jobs to engineering students.

Reaching out to students is important in order to talk to them and offer them assignments that are in line with their study course. Viaposte's teams met with around 20 students, 10 of whom are likely to join Viaposte in the autumn.

Viaposte recruitment ICAM forum

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