Viaposte launches a partnership with the Ares association in order to commit to social reintegration through employment

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As part of the company's CSR policy, a partnership initiated with Ares has enabled Viaposte to welcome for the first time 7 people on fixed-term contracts for social reintegration in its Chelles platform (77). This commitment will be extended by the end of the year to Viaposte's site in Chilly-Mazarin (91).

In partnership with the associative group Ares, a team of 7 employees in integration, supervised by 1 Ares team leader, has been trained in the logistic activities of:

  • Repairs, sorting, spare parts management and container cleaning
  • Sorting and storage of pallets and boxes
  • Cleaning up the site's surroundings

Immersed in the heart of the logistics activity since September and for a minimum period of 6 months, these employees will be able to stay on assignment for up to 24 months. An Ares social team also ensures their progress.

This action in favour of the reintegration of socially excluded people has been implemented by the Director of the Chelles platform, under the impetus of the management, which wishes to boost its CSR commitment. The partnership with Ares will be extended to the Viaposte site in Chilly-Mazarin by the end of the year.

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