Viaposte participates in the forklift drivers' championship

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This is the second time that Viaposte has taken part in the forklift drivers' championship.
Organised by the Pôle d'Intelligence Logistique and the AFTRAL, this championship aims to promote the talent of the best forklift truck drivers in France.
A large number of drivers took part in the qualifying round in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier on 16th March.

Viaposte had two forklift truck drivers who applied : Hassane, from the Le Bourget platform, and Eric, from the Brive platform.
After passing the written test on 16th March, our two drivers were called to the semi-final on 30th March.
There were still a large number of drivers in the CACES 3 category needing to win their place in the final.  They did so during a test for which they had to unload 6 pallets (being timed), stack concrete blocks, or put a tent peg in a glass bottle (again being timed). Once again, they both qualified ! 

For the final, which took place on Wednesday, there were still more than a dozen competitors.
After having participated in the different stages : pallet clearing, test with a basketball, agility test with a bucket filled with water, the results were in! Eric was able to take 3rd place on the podium, becoming the 3rd best forklift operator in France, with Hassane coming in at a very good 4th place.

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