Viaposte, logistic actor of the 22nd Press and Media Week in schools

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The 22nd edition

From 22 to 27 March, it's Press and Media Week in schools.

What is SPME (PMWS) ?

For the 22nd consecutive year and in partnership with the Centre for Media and Information Education (CLEMI in French), La Poste Group is distributing  newspapers and magazines to 20,461 schools in France and abroad, thus contributing to the education of pupils in media and information. 

How does SPME (PMWS) work?

Schools place orders for newspapers and magazines in the form of press packs.
They are assembled by Viaposte at the Chilly-Mazarin logistics platform and then distributed by postmen to the schools as part of their daily rounds.
This year, nearly 49,010 "press parcels" were prepared by Viaposte, whose long-standing expertise includes manual and mechanical press sorting.
In total, 452,565 copies of newspapers and magazines donated by the event's publishing partners will be distributed free of charge by La Poste.

A theme that changes every year

For this 2021 edition, the proposed theme is "Get informed to better understand the world". This theme is particularly relevant in this period of health, social, societal and political upheaval. 
Viaposte is proud to take part in these press and media discovery operations, which aim to raise awareness among young people of freedom of opinion and expression and respect for civic debate.

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