Viaposte is committed to developing the skills of its employees

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Several months ago, at the instigation of the Human Resources Department, a group made up of seven Viaposte employees and three external coaches was asked to review Viaposte's training methods.

This led to the need to create a tailor-made training system, with the strong desire to :
> Train in a very concrete way and adequately bearing in mind the reality of the work
> Propose training paths by level of responsibility
> Ensure ownership of the company's culture and core values

In April 2021, Viaposte created its University with 5 initial training themes : management, customer relations, interpersonal skills, communication and creativity. 
Each theme includes between 3 and 9 different modules.

Université Viaposte

The launch of training courses

With the ambition of allowing all its employees to benefit from training within its University, Viaposte started with its managerial employees.

In groups of up to 6 managers from the four corners of France, as Viaposte has a national network of nearly 75 sites (link to the networks page), they followed 1 to 2 days of interactive and experiential training (per module) : role-playing, experience sharing, intervention of the General Manager, etc. 

More than just training, these are privileged opportunities to share between managers, based on daily professional situations. 

"I appreciated being able to share the difficulties I encounter with the other participants. I was also able to meet the General Manager who took the time to discuss issues with us" said a team leader from a logistics platform in the Paris region.

For its next steps, Viaposte University plans to extend training to all employees as part of its annual skills development plan. There are also plans to create other training themes and modules.

An academy of trainers

Viaposte University also includes a trainers' academy. These are Viaposte employees who have expressed their desire to lead or participate in the construction of training courses and who have been trained as trainers. 

The latter will therefore be facilitators of training courses relating to their field of expertise or co-facilitators of other training courses, alongside another external trainer-coach.

"This allows us to involve employees, to become more deeply rooted in our business and in our reality on the ground. It's also a way of identifying talent within the company and developing it in a new area" says Catherine Goldfarb, Director of Human Resources.

Since its launch in April 2021, 118 employees have gone through the "Viaposte University" experience and 13 have the "Trainer" status.

Discover the details of the Viaposte University in video.

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