Viaposte & Ares: a logistics partnership for reintegration into employment

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7 people in social reintegration at the Viaposte platform in Chelles

Viaposte welcomes 7 people on fixed-term contracts for social reintegration within its platform of Chelles, in partnership with the Ares association, as part of its CSR policy, as News Tank found out on the 19/02/2020.

  • Dispatching, sorting, spare parts management and container cleaning;
  • Sorting and storage of pallets and boxes;
  • Cleaning of the surroundings of the site.

These are the missions of the 7 beneficiaries of the program, supervised by an Ares team leader for a 6-month mission renewable up to 24 months.

Is welcoming people in reintegration a first in the history of Viaposte?

Viaposte has always and for a long time had a long-standing social commitment, in particular through partnerships with temporary employment companies and with Pôle Emploi, from tutoring systems within its logistics platforms, to professional reconversions from the Army to the logistics sector, etc.  With Ares, Viaposte also wishes to engage in a process of reintegration into employment with an expert in the field who has the means and skills to do so.

Why did you choose Ares as your partner?

Ares is a recognized partner that is already involved in the logistics sector. Our first working meetings have convinced us that we share the same vision of integration of the individual and the same development objectives.

Why did you choose the Chelles site in particular?

Our Chelles platform is one of our largest industrial sites. It has the volumes of activity and specific worksites to experiment with this partnership.

Is this experiment intended to be extended to other sites and have you already planned another similar project?

We will develop this type of partnership whenever the volume and stability of the business allows it. Moreover, we are even bidding on logistics tenders jointly in order to respond to customers who want to develop a CSR approach via their logistics subcontractor.

Since the beginning of 2020, we have also entered into a partnership with a subsidiary of Ares specialized in the professional integration of workers recognized as disabled. The teams have been integrated on the Viaposte platform in Chilly-Mazarin.

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