A new tool for the integration of new employees, an essential step

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From the very first point of contact, the first impression counts a lot. And yet, many companies neglect the stage of integrating a new employee, a stage that is nevertheless essential in creating relationships, adapting to the environment, appropriating the company culture, understanding one's role, etc.

20% of employees who join a company consider leaving on the first day because of a poor reception in terms of human, administrative or material resources*.

The negative effects of poor integration

Finding the right candidate for the right job takes time, costs money to source via different channels and uses the Human Resources Department’s time and resources. So, once the rare pearl has been recruited, you have to know how to welcome them and make them stay.

A neglected integration can then generate dissatisfaction and a lack of commitment from the new recruit. It may even lead to the employee leaving the company.

The positive effects of good integration

Conversely, a good integration benefits both the new recruit and the company.

> Creating a bond

A good integration starts with the announcement of the arrival of the new recruit to the other employees. When this happens, the newcomer will not be seen as an intruder and will more quickly form bonds and create lasting relationships.

> Productivity and time savings

The provision of work equipment as soon as the employee arrives will enable him or her to focus on the essentials of the job more quickly. 62% of employees who have benefited from a careful induction have achieved their objectives within the year, compared to 17% of employees who have not had an induction**.

> Boosted motivation and commitment

A person who feels welcome will set to work as soon as he or she arrives, out of recognition and a desire to contribute to the success of the group.

They will be reassured in their choice to join the company, and wish to meet their expectations, to integrate well into their team and to develop their sense of belonging to the company culture.

> A stronger employer brand

If the new recruit understands and feels comfortable with the company from the moment they arrive, they will project a positive image that is consistent with their state of mind.
Moreover, they can become brand ambassadors and spread the word to their contacts.

The Viaposte form

Aware of the importance of integration, Viaposte is launching an Arrival management form.

Before the arrival of the new recruit, the person in charge of welcoming him or her fills out a form that triggers internal requests for equipment (computer, PPE, vehicle, etc.), access to the workplace (badge, parking, etc.) and access to tools (computers, room reservation, etc.).

This solution also ensures that the new employee is systematically added to media such as the organization chart or the directory.

Finally, the host is informed of the essential steps that the new recruit must go through in order to integrate in the best possible conditions: presentation of the company, safety training, introduction to other employees, etc.

In the coming months, the form will be adapted to manage inter-site mobility and staff departures.

* according to the recruitment agency Easyrecrue - 2018
** ACERTA study

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