Freight manager - Testimony of the month

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This interview with Abderrahman, who is responsible for managing freight within the transport department of the La Poste Group and Viaposte, gives insights into the freight business.
Abderrahman arrived in February 2019 and works at the Head Office in Kremlin Bicêtre.  He is regularly on the move within the freight divisions spread over five sites in France.

The tasks of the Freight Business Line Manager

Depending on the company, the Freight Business Line Manager may work on both the national and international network.
He/she is responsible for steering the freight business and managing the business indicators with the freighters and the sales force, while guaranteeing sustainable profitability for the business. He/she must ensure that each freight division has the necessary resources to ensure that each service is guaranteed, and he/she orchestrates relations with the support functions to improve business processes and IT tools.

At Viaposte, Abderrahman works mainly with the freight teams attached to Viaposte's five freight divisions, as well as with the various departments in the Transport Division.
He coordinates the smooth running of the divisions in accordance with the functions linked to this activity : the sales force, support services, etc.
 "I chose to specialise in transport because I've always been passionate about this job, it's very demanding and no two days are the same." explains Abderrahman.

I chose to specialise in transport because I've always been passionate about this job, it's very demanding and no two days are the same." explains Abderrahman.

How do I get to be a freight manager?

The classic route to a position such as freight manager is generally from the position of freighter following an increase in skills. 
It is a job for which it is advisable to have a 2-year degree in the logistics and transport sectors.
The freight manager must have a very good knowledge of the legislation in force, market prices and the geographical distribution of transport. Negotiation skills, like those of a freighter, are a must in this profession, as is a command of several languages.

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