Team Leader - Testimony of the month

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Thomas joined Viaposte in October 2021 as a team leader, following the opening of a new site in the Lyon area.

Discover his testimony in pictures.

What does the job of Team Leader involve?

Thomas is a team leader on a night shift. His typical night consists of 3 phases:

> Launching the activity :

The team leader begins by consulting the activity forecast. He then welcomes the teams, carries out a briefing and a warm-up exercise to prepare people’s bodies in order to avoid accidents and with the aim of creating a team environment. Once the employees have settled down at their workstations, Thomas starts the sorting machine. The activity has been launched.

> During the activity :

Throughout the night, Thomas checks that production is running smoothly. He observes compliance with safety regulations and prepares the next day's schedules.

> At the end of the activity :

The team leader does a "site tour" to ensure that there are no products left on site. He writes an activity report which he shares with his client, his operations manager, and his management.

What are the qualities required for this profession?

Thomas has been working in logistics for more than 10 years and has learned the most working in the field.

According to him, the qualities required to be a team leader are :

  • being organised and diligent in carrying out quality work and satisfying customers
  • demonstrating commitment, diligence, adaptability and rigour
  • having a team spirit to overcome everyday difficulties.
My personal evolution pushes me to surpass myself, to invest myself more every day. New challenges await me at the end of the year, notably during the peak period.”

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