3 portraits of Viaposte work-study students - Testimonial of the month

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Our recruitment campaign dedicated to work-study students began at Viaposte several weeks ago, in anticipation of the start of the new school year. To take this opportunity, we wanted to hear from 3 work-study students who were at the heart of our main activities.

Gain professional experience, immersed in our activities

> Logistics

Romain is on a two-year apprenticeship contract in management, business management and project management.

On a day-to-day basis, he/she guarantees the reorganisation of production, ensures the fluidity of flows and is involved in the management of external services. In addition to their professional skills, they acquire a sense of autonomy and are enriched by the numerous exchanges with the teams.

> Maintenance

Yanis is preparing for a one-year apprenticeship for a professional degree in advanced maintenance.

He works daily with technicians on curative or preventive maintenance. This experience gives him a varied knowledge thanks to interventions on different types of machines and technologies.

> Transport

Sarah, a transport assistant, is preparing a Master 2 in project management, under an apprenticeship contract for a year.

Every day, she ensures that she meets the transport needs of her clients. Accompanied by the teams, she acquires numerous skills in the management of her missions, which she carries out in a benevolent and collective framework.

Work-study training at Viaposte: a win-win format

At Viaposte, work-study is based on a win-win format. This format allows work-study students to learn and integrate more easily into the life and culture of the company, and allows Viaposte to respond to a desire to grow, while at the same time creating, where possible, its teams of tomorrow.

Accompanied by a tutor or apprenticeship master throughout their contract, work-study students are an asset to the company. They bring a fresh perspective and can be a real source of inspiration. As for the tutors, they will undertake to take the time necessary to pass on their expertise.

Viaposte's offers

Every year, Viaposte recruits work-study students at its various sites. Recruitment campaigns take place between April and August each year.

Discover our work-study offers in our "career" section. Currently 14 offers are published. Others will be published in the coming days/weeks, so stay tuned.

The apprenticeship contract is for you if you:

> are between 16 and 29 years old

> over the age of 30, if you are recognised as a disabled worker, a top-level sportsman or have a project to create or take over a business

The professionalisation contract is for you if you:

> are between 16 and 25 years old

> are unemployed and aged 26 or over

> are a beneficiary of the revenu de solidarité active (RSA), the allocation spécifique de solidarité (ASS), the allocation adulte handicapé (AAH) or have benefited from a contrat unique d'insertion (CUI)

Viaposte, who are we?

We are a subsidiary of the La Poste Group specialising in logistics, industrial maintenance and transport.

Our inventiveness, agility and uniqueness are part of our philosophy. We have skilled men & women and a mindset which means that together... we make it possible.

To find out more about Viaposte's culture and expertise in logistics, industrial maintenance and transport, go here.

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