Article from TF1 : "Viaposte has prepared and shipped 4.3 million masks to the French Grand Est region"

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Counting and logistics sorting of mask references by Viaposte teams

The operation started on April 1st and then everything happened very quickly. We had to receive 3 trucks full of cargo, straight from China, on one of Viaposte's platforms. The Viaposte teams counted and sorted the references (between surgical masks and FFP2 masks) and prepared orders by destination.
The operation took place in a record time of 2 days thanks to the courage and motivation of Viaposte's employees, but also thanks to the company's proven expertise in order preparation.

Purchase and organisation of road transport of orders

Viaposte, which also has a dedicated transport commissioning unit, has also managed the purchase and organisation of road transport of orders to the 14 destinations in the Greater East region (CHU, etc.).

"It is a twofold satisfaction, firstly to have been able to count on all the Viaposte teams"

"It is a twofold satisfaction, firstly to have been able to count on all the Viaposte teams, from the site manager to the forklift drivers, who were all there to meet this challenge, quickly and safely, and secondly that Viaposte contributed to making masks available to the health establishments that need them" says the Director of the Viaposte platform. 

"Viaposte has contributed to the provision of masks to health facilities"

As soon as it was asked to carry out this operation, Viaposte, a subsidiary of La Poste Group specialising in logistics, industrial maintenance and transport, immediately got organised thanks to the commitment of its employees to meet this exceptional need. Aware of what was at stake and anxious to contribute to the fight against Covid-19, all the employees approached accepted this mission.

We had no idea that this operation would be both so trying and so rewarding

Mobilisation of staff to meet this exceptional need

"We had no idea that this operation would be both so trying and so rewarding" says the platform manager who led the operation. "Our employees, some of whom were partially unemployed, responded favourably when I approached them. They lived the experience to the full, frequently repeating "we are doing this for the good cause and for the company". Personally, I am proud of their attitude and of being their leader. We all went through this challenge together as Viaposte employees and even more so as human beings. When I left, each employee came to see me and told me that if there were new requirements, we could count on them!  Once again, many thanks to them !

The key figures of the operation :

> 1.5 days to carry out the operation: counting, sorting, preparation and dispatch.
> 3 full trucks to be processed, i.e. 4.3 M masks
> For 14 destinations  


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