Article from Voxlog : "Viaposte during the COVID-19 pandemic"

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The supply chain players are mobilising

In order to respond to the health crisis of Covid-19, the supply chain stakeholders are leaping to action. Throughout this complex period, Voxlog will hear from shippers, service providers, carriers and logisticians to highlight how their organizations and teams need to adapt. Today, Gilles Vincent, general manager of Viaposte's logistics business, takes stock of the situation.

What impacts do you see on your business ?

Since the beginning of this health crisis, we have seen an approximate 40% decline in our activities (this started with parcels from China). Some of them are even at a standstill, such as assembling advertising prints, supplying shops, and activities linked to flight stopovers. Others, on the other hand, continue, such as parcels.

How have you re-organised your teams and organisation ?

All those who can work from home are doing so. For our logistics sites where remote working is not possible, and where production is still ongoing, we have several measures in place. First, a reorganization of the sites to guarantee the distance of one meter between each employee, but also the opening of additional rooms for breaks (in meeting rooms for example) to respect the distance of one meter. We have re-organised breaks and on-site entry-exit hours to avoid crossovers. We also asked employees to come already equipped with their safety shoes and vests to avoid going to the locker room. Finally, we have strengthened the cleaning of break rooms and workstations and allow employees to go and wash their hands as many times as necessary.

What will the challenges be for your organization in the days ahead ?

The main challenge will be to maintain regular and reassuring contact with our employees, necessary for the safe continuation of our missions.

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