Viaposte, operational to manage the COVID-19 crisis

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Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Viaposte has accompanied many clients in their pandemic operations. Its expertise and capabilities in logistics and transport have been put to great use to respond quickly to the urgent needs of its customers.

Overview of the various operations carried out by Viaposte :

> [V-FLEX offer] Multiple manual order preparation operations (reception, sorting, counting, picking, packaging) from its logistics platforms throughout France. Orders containing masks and other crisis-related items for healthcare institutions, fire stations, local authorities, etc.

> [V-FRET offer] Organisation of the road transport of freight masks with: identification of the carrier, negotiation of the transport cost and management of the transport from the airport departure point to the arrival points (hospitals and state health organisations).

> [V-FRET offer] Road transport operations to collect stocks of masks, hydro-alcoholic gels and medicines from donor companies and pharmacies and deliver them to multiple points; combining Viaposte's truck transport expertise with La Poste's "Urby" offer for last-mile delivery.

The key figures :

> Nearly 26 million masks have passed through Viaposte

> More than 25 people were involved in the organization and planning of these unforeseen operations.

> 100% of Viaposte’s employees contacted were present to carry out these operations

Faced with this emergency situation, Viaposte put its capabilities and know-how at the service of its customers' urgent needs, while maintaining the continuity of its scheduled activities.

The company has thus demonstrated its commitment and ability to act quickly to make it all possible! Viaposte is ready to continue to support its customers in the face of this health crisis or for any other logistics and transport services that it has been providing for over 15 years.

If you have a need in logistics or freight transport, Viaposte can help you. Please contact us !

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