Viaposte extends its knowledge base in Liévin and Toulouse

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Three services in Lievin

Since the 12th October, on a postal platform located in Lievin, Viaposte has set up an ILT of about fifteen people providing logistics services (reception of flows, injection on sorter and manual sorting).  Viaposte was also commissioned to design the sorter for the « Sort & Drive », model platform in 5 months, similar to the one it configured for the parcel sorting platforms at Argonay, Poissy and Garonor (>> more info). Three Viaposte technicians are responsible for its maintenance.

A Sort & Move sorter model in Toulouse

Viaposte has a manual parcel sorting platform located in Toulouse. However, on 19 October, following an increase in flows, Viaposte mechanised the site with the installation of a « Sort & Move » model sorter. 
It was installed in a record time of 3 months to be operational for the festive season. 
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