Viaposte in action on a parcel sorting platform in Argonay

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During the night of 7 to 8 September, the new parcel sorting platform located in Argonay (Haute-Savoie, France) and equipped with a "Sort & Drive" sorter configured by Viaposte, started its activity.

This sorter model designed by Viaposte sorts parcels in preparation for last mile delivery. It was tested for the first time on the Poissy parcel platform and then deployed on the Garonor, Lesquin and now Argonay sites.

At Argonay, Viaposte is also in charge of :
> Operational logistics services related to sorting, with a 15-strong ILT (Integrated Logistics Team) on site
> Industrial maintenance by technicians who have been closely involved in the design and assembly of the sorter

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