Work-study students - Testimony of the month

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In April, the testimonial of the month takes on a slightly different format. Several cross-interviews present the careers of Maurace, a work-study student in audiovisual communication in the Communication and Marketing department, Julienne, a work-study student in the Transport Purchasing department, and Ambre, a work-study student in the Health, Safety and Environment department at the Velaux platform.T

hey spoke to us about their working environment and their career paths...

Maurace, audiovisual assistant

Maurace joined Viaposte's communication and marketing department in August 2020 and explains, "I work as an audiovisual assistant, and I'm in charge of producing all the videos that illustrate our activities.” From the launch of a story to the finalisation of the project, including writing the script, shooting the footage and editing the various passages, Maurace manages the audiovisual part of Viaposte's communication department. A position that has given her responsibilities that have allowed her to grow professionally.

Julienne, transport purchasing assistant

Julienne, for her part, joined Viaposte in September 2019 and works in the transport purchasing department as a buyer.
She says, "I have learned about the regulations and legislation relating to the transport sector and all the contractual notions associated with it.
As transport purchasing is an integral part of Viaposte's business, it is a key function for Julienne.

Ambre, HSE assistant

Ambre is in charge of all health and safety issues at the Velaux logistics platform. She arrived in October 2020 and is in charge of OHS, a subject that is essential to Viaposte to ensure that the warehouses run smoothly. Her major role enables her to ensure compliance with Viaposte's OHS policy, while having daily contact with all employees at the Velaux platform.

Work-related training at Viaposte

Every year, Viaposte recruits work-study students at its various sites.
In 2020, no fewer than 30 people were recruited on work-study programmes, some of whom will be hired on completion of their training.

Viaposte's offers

To find out more about Viaposte's logistics, industrial maintenance and transport activities, go here.
Looking for a new challenge? Check out our job offers or apply directly in our "careers" section.

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