How to develop a maintenance plan or range?

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In all service companies, ensuring good maintenance management of industrial equipment is essential to keep productivity at its highest level. More and more companies have become aware of the importance of prioritising maintenance activities within their logistics organisation in order to achieve these performance objectives: according to AFIM, the French Agency of Maintenance Engineers and Managers, the sector represents more than 22.6 billion in turnover in France.

The development of an industrial maintenance range or plan makes it possible to carry out this work of managing interventions and optimising the maintenance of equipment to ensure continuity of the production chain. If a well-defined organisation is one of the main cogs in the wheel, the maintenance plan also requires an acute sense of priorities and the use of various tools to help with its implementation.

Discover the steps to develop an effective industrial maintenance plan or range!

What is a maintenance plan or range?

What is the purpose of a maintenance plan for industrial logistics companies?

Preventive maintenance refers to the various actions and tasks scheduled to anticipate possible technical problems or malfunctions of industrial equipment. The benefits for companies include a reduction in the cost of repairing machinery and equipment in the event of breakdowns and improved safety for employees in the warehouse.

A good organisation of maintenance operations in industrial logistics companies through a maintenance plan aims to increase the reactivity of technical teams. To contribute to its success, it must include :

> data and information on the teams of maintenance technicians such as their name, first name, job title, contact details, etc. ;

> key information on the industrial equipment to be maintained, such as the history of maintenance interventions, the documentation related to their operation, the breakdowns detected, the changes of parts made;

> the objectives of the maintenance plan and how they are implemented in the logistics company;

> the planning of scheduled maintenance operations.


When to implement a maintenance plan?

As its name suggests, preventive maintenance is carried out in anticipation of a malfunction or breakdown of equipment or technical material in order to smooth out logistical operations and guarantee continuity. The maintenance plan that governs the control and maintenance activities of technical equipment and machines must therefore be drawn up sufficiently in advance to anticipate the corrections that need to be made without wasting precious time during their resolution, which would be detrimental to the productivity of the logistics company.

While the maintenance plan is particularly effective in the context of preventive maintenance, it can also be applied to corrective maintenance (curative or palliative maintenance). In this case, an industrial maintenance strategy will have been planned in advance of the equipment failure or breakdown, leading to easier and faster correction.

What are the steps to develop an industrial maintenance plan or range?

Preparing an industrial maintenance plan

To prepare your maintenance plan, the first step is to determine the scope of operations, in other words the equipment, machines and materials to be maintained. To do this, it is advisable to refer to the manufacturers' recommendations, but also to the legal regulations as detailed in the industrial maintenance standard NF EN 13 306. This consultation will result in a set of tasks to be carried out as well as the means necessary to carry them out: the material resources to be deployed, a useful tool or computer software to assist you, as well as the recommended procedures and manpower.


Define a schedule for maintenance operations

The planning of a maintenance periodicity for your industrial equipment is very important to foresee and define :

> the technician in charge of the maintenance intervention and the optimal workload;

> the means and material resources to be mobilised;

> the equipment or materials needed to carry out the maintenance tasks;

> the estimated time to maintain or repair the equipment.

The schedule of industrial maintenance interventions can also be personalised according to the equipment to be maintained, depending on its condition, the manufacturer's recommendations, but also according to the type of preventive maintenance established (systematic, conditional and forecast).


The CMMS software tool: the ideal solution for optimising the organisation of maintenance operations

As an essential IT tool for the application and implementation of a preventive maintenance plan, CMMS software is an indispensable partner in the organisation of your company's logistics operations. The use of a collaborative CMMS tool also allows:

> easy communication with the technicians involved in the maintenance work and the customers;

> automation of the most tedious tasks to save time;

> a precise and periodic analysis of the performance of the equipment closely linked to the maintenance interventions;

> storage of documents useful for maintenance work;

> easier access to the technical teams' schedule to allocate maintenance work more easily according to the availability of each person and the urgency of the situation;

> management of the follow-up of maintenance interventions from A to Z;

> lower maintenance costs;

> Real-time updating of key information to adjust processes during execution or after completion of maintenance interventions if necessary.

Viaposte: partner for your industrial maintenance activities

If you can't draw up an industrial maintenance plan yourself, why not call on Viaposte? We can assist you in every step of the maintenance of your equipment to ensure that it is running smoothly without any risk of interruption to your logistics activities.

We offer you an efficient corrective or preventive maintenance service, whatever your needs, thanks to our solid expertise and the tools and software of choice that assist our teams on a daily basis: CMMS, performance reporting, etc. We intervene :

> in a shift team that takes part in your daily logistics activities;

> in partial presence, our technical teams respond to your regular, one-off or programmed requests by means of weekly rounds, on-call duty or preventive maintenance;

> made-to-measure interventions for your more specific requirements. An estimate must be drawn up beforehand.

Consider the Viaposte industrial maintenance solution to establish a coherent maintenance plan adapted to your company's activity.

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