Maintenance method manager |Testimonial of the month

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Pierre-Henry joined Viaposte in 2019 as a maintenance methods engineer.

He quickly became maintenance method manager with a team of 2 people under his responsibility.

What does it mean to be a maintenance method manager?

The job of method manager is divided into 2 main actions.

  > First of all, setting up the CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) is essential when setting up a maintenance team on a new site. It is necessary to parameterize a lot of data such as the stocks of parts, the maintenance plan, the structure of the machine...

  > The 2nd axis consists in supporting the teams in the field.  It is a question of accompanying them on the methodology and tools to organize their daily work.

"I chose to work in maintenance because it is a field that combines technical and relational aspects. I work with many departments at Viaposte to optimise equipment performance," says Pierre-Henry.

What studies should I follow to become a maintenance methods manager?

The position of maintenance method manager requires a solid knowledge of the various aspects of maintenance. It is a position that requires a BAC+5 level education.

The qualities required to succeed in this position are:

  • rigour, essential to manage the methodological aspects
  • organization, to work on different projects simultaneously
  • good interpersonal skills to work with both internal and external clients.

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