Article from Stratégies Logistique: "Viaposte transports pallets in "just in time"

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Stratégies Logistique


Transport to and from France and Europe

On the one hand, brands rely on "just in time" to re-stock warehouses and stores and thus limit the costs of storing goods. On the other hand, a majority of customers give up on a purchase when faced with a product which is out-of-stock, whether online or in shops.

To meet these two needs, Viaposte has launched V-FRET, a transport service for a 4 minimum of pallets for companies (excluding refrigerated products), to or from France and Europe. Viaposte negotiates and buys transport from its network of carriers in France.

Negotiation, purchasing, organisation and supervision of transport

V-FRET includes negotiating, purchasing, organizing and supervising the departure and arrival points, while adapting to the time constraints of pick-up and delivery. With the promise of responding to a quote request within two hours for urgent requests, this offer complements Viaposte’s existing offers of V-UNIT and V-REGULAR.

Stratégies Logistique

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