Article from Supply Chain Magazine : "Viaposte focuses on its V-FRET service"

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Last week, during the Top Transport Europe conference (16-17 October in Marseille), Viaposte focused its communication on its recent V-FRET transport solution, which complements its V-UNIT and V-REGULAR offerings.

As part of its strategy to develop services, the transport commissioner and subsidiary of the Service-Courrier-Colis [Parcel-Mail-Service] branch of La Poste now offers a pallet transport service in just-in-time (from 4 pallets), both in France and in Europe and for all industries (except products requiring refrigerated containers).

V-FRET targets retail and its urgent restocking needs to cope with in-store disruptions. Viaposte, which commits to sending a quote within 2 hours, relies on its 6 regional freighting centres (Tours, Lille, Lyon, Nancy and two in the Ile-de-France region) and on real-time tracking made possible by its TMS Icare, developed by the Alsatian software firm Item, also allowing the shipper to track CO2 emissions per km travelled.

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Source : Supply Chain Magazine

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