Viaposte commits to supporting disability in the workplace with Agefiph

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On 14 June, Viaposte signed an agreement with Agefiph [Association for the Management of the Fund for the Professional Integration of Disabled Persons], endorsing an action plan developed over the last two years.

With this agreement, Viaposte is taking another step forward in its commitment to the inclusion of disabled workers within its company. However, this commitment was far from non-existent before: here's a look back at Viaposte's policy in recent years.

Viaposte and disability: introducing a global policy

Context: towards the inclusion of disabled employees

Viaposte has made the inclusion of all workers one of its commitments, at the heart of its HR policy. However, within Viaposte, the representation of disabled people varies from one activity to another, with the rate of employment of disabled workers ranging from 0.61% to 8.87% depending on the site and platform.

This variation stems from the fact that no overall policy has been defined, and that actions, whether in terms of recruitment, awareness-raising or information, depend on individual initiatives.  Launched in 2021, Agefiph's support is a way of unifying Viaposte around these issues.

Manon Avenet, Viaposte's Disability Officer, explains: "There is a high level of awareness of disability issues at some of our sites, with employees who are well versed about the issue. A lot of people have good ideas for integrating workers with disabilities, ideas that we may be able to implement at other sites and in other Viapost business lines. It's really a question of spreading the good practices that already exist.”

Measures already taken to support the employment of disabled workers

Until now, Viaposte's actions on disability and inclusion have not necessarily been visible, as they have mainly taken place locally, within the various platforms. However, on a national level, Viaposte has been taking part for several years now in DuoDay, one of the events of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH in French). During this period, companies open their doors to people with disabilities for work experience.

Back in 2020, Viaposte also made a name for itself by launching a partnership with Login's, an association that helps people return to work at the Chelles and Chilly-Mazarin platforms.

This partnership has enabled Viaposte to promote the recruitment of disabled workers and to set up an activity adapted to disabled employees, in particular the REFLEX activity of sorting the press and returning it to the routers.  These are the types of initiatives that Viaposte intends to continue and expand.


Meeting the legal obligation to employ people with disabilities

Complying with the legal obligation is also a driving force behind signing the agreement with Agefiph. The law of 11 July 1987 requires companies with more than 20 employees to include disabled people in their workforce: this is the obligation to employ disabled workers, or OEDW (OETH in French), defined as 6% of the total workforce.

Every year, each company must complete a mandatory declaration of employment of disabled workers, or ODEDW (DOETH in French), as part of their nominative social declaration.

Support from Agefiph: from background to signing the agreement

2021: the start of Agefiph's support for Viaposte

With a view to generalising and unifying its inclusion practices, Viaposte asked Agefiph to provide support in 2021. The aim was to carry out a diagnostic and to see what action plan could be put in place.

It took two years to carry out this diagnosis with the participation of the members of the Business and Social Council. The year 2023 was then devoted to drawing up the action plan, which was unanimously approved by Viaposte's social partners. This plan is now enshrined in the agreement.


14 June: signing of the Viaposte-Agefiph partnership agreement

On 14 June 2024, Caroline Grandjean, Managing Director of Viaposte, Didier Eyssartier, Managing Director of Agefiph, and several other representatives from all areas of the company met to sign the agreement.

The agreement is the result of giving this issue a lot of thought, and proposes 6 lines of action, aiming to:

  • improve the quality of Viaposte's efforts to include disabled people and to keep disabled employees in employment;
  • improve the rate of direct employment, whatever the contract (fixed-term, permanent, temporary, etc.).

The agreement sets out a 3-year action plan, running until May 2027. Viaposte has set itself annual and half-yearly targets, and must report to Agefiph at a twice-yearly monitoring committee meeting. 

With Agefiph, Viaposte will be able to benefit not only from financial aid (dedicated in particular to setting up structures adapted to disabilities in the workplace), but also from the support of partner associations.

"We have created a community of disability advisers at Viaposte, who will be able to take advantage of training modules with Agefiph to enhance their skills," explains Manon Avenet.

Agreement with Agefiph: 6 areas for development

After outlining the figures for the employment of disabled employees at Viaposte, the agreement sets out the implementation of 6 development priorities, each comprising several actions to be carried out and setting quantifiable criteria for success.

These are as follows:

  • Training and awareness
  • Information and communication
  • Recruitment and integration
  • Career support for disabled employees
  • Job retention
  • Working with the protected and adapted sector. 


This agreement marks a new stage in Viaposte's CSR commitment, and we are delighted to be able to share the results and successes of our action plan with you!  


To follow Viaposte's actions in favour of inclusion in real time, visit our social networks



NPS Viaposte 2024