Operational excellence: Viaposte assesses its employees certified in 2022

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With its Apollo programme, launched and run since 2015, Viaposte works daily to develop a genuine lean management culture in its business activities.

The creation of a Viaposte certification: the Executive Blue Belt (EBB)

Viaposte involves the entire managerial line of the company in its operational excellence process so that each manager is able to implement operational excellence actions within his or her teams and is certified to an "EBB" level created by Viaposte.

"In developing the different modules of the EBB training courses, we always strive to offer theoretical lessons, coupled with real-life situations that reflect Viaposte's activities. While the aim is to strengthen the managerial dynamic and the culture of operational excellence, these meetings are also intended to be fun by offering interaction and challenges in teams. Each manager must then be able to project himself in his activity, applying the tools and lessons of the EBB" explains Thierry Duchêne, Head of Operational Excellence and Process.


3 levels in the Executive Blue Belt certification

The EBB 1 level covers :

  • The setting of areas, a process that allows for a safe working environment
  • The team briefing, a process of daily exchange between the manager and his team on collective/individual objectives as well as the treatment and prioritisation of problems
  • The field visit, a tool for acting on accident risks, communicating and sharing operating rules and points for improvement


EBB level 2 focuses on on-the-job training with the formalisation of standards and a pedagogical method.

"During the sessions, we mix managers from all over France who work on different activities with specific constraints. They share good practices that they have tried on their sites to better support their employees and make their teams more autonomous. As a trainer, I find this to be a real strength because it is thanks to this type of exchange and meeting that we manage to create a real dynamic of continuous improvement and knowledge sharing within the company," explains Sebastian Gomez, National Quality and Process Manager - facilitator of the EBB workshops.

In 2022, Viaposte is adding a new 3rd level to this Executive Blue Belt certification, based on the management of a successful day. Participants are immersed in a real-life situation and work on cycle timings, activity scheduling and calculating the margin on direct costs.



Assessment of this certification in 2022

Nearly 53 Viaposte managers have already been certified as Executive Blue Belt level 1 and 33 as level 2 since its creation, and the company has added 25 more in 2022. This certification takes place on the Viaposte platform located in Saint Thibault des Vignes.

As for the new level 3 of this certification, the first training sessions were held at the Fontenoy-sur-Moselle and Velaux platforms, 48 people took part and 4 obtained their certification.


"The EBB trainings are a special moment. During the workshops, we can share our respective experiences and this gives us the opportunity to discover other activities. Back on my site, I applied what we had been taught, serving the site and integrating my colleagues, agents or managers, with the principle that every idea must be taken into account. After projects on field visits (digitally or via Kamishibai cards) and the setting up of a training dojo, I remain convinced of the approach. I'm going to extend it beyond certification and always involve my teams," points out Aimée Louis, IP operations manager at the Fontenoy-sur-Moselle platform.


Executive Blue Belt certifications are not simply awarded at the end of a training session. Within a period of about 6 months, each candidate must also work on a project presented to a jury. It is only after having completed the training and the presentation that an employee obtains his/her certification.

Planning 2023

Viaposte continues to roll out its operational excellence system over the coming year.

All non-certified managers can register for the following sessions:

  • 16 and 17 March 2023: Level 1 and 2 training
  • 23 and 24 March 2023: Level 3 training at the Velaux logistics platform
  • 8 and 9 June 2023: Level 3 training at the Fontenoy-sur-Moselle logistics site

An approach to operational excellence in our logistics, industrial maintenance and transport services

Viaposte's operational excellence approach permeates each of the services it provides for goods sorting, order preparation, logistics equipment maintenance and road transport.


Imbued with this culture of continuous improvement, Viaposte's employees do everything they can to guarantee optimal service quality, compliance with deadlines and the safety of staff, equipment and goods.


To find out more about Viaposte and its three activities of logistics, maintenance and transport, discover its corporate film and contact our sales teams.

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