Viaposte accelerates the decarbonisation of freight transport in the South-West region

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As part of its ambitious objectives to reduce the environmental impact of its transport activities, Viaposte is continuing to develop its use of green energies, including biogas and biofuels.

These renewable energies, obtained in one case from the fermentation of organic matter and in the other case from biomass, are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80-90%.

Viaposte steps up low-carbon transport

At the heart of the decarbonisation challenge, the transport sector has a key role to play. That's why our regional transport operations in the South-West of France are strongly encouraging their partner hauliers to invest in green energy, particularly when tenders are called for. The environmental criterion is now a key criterion in the selection of its future partner carriers.

Decarbonisation of road transport

For the past two years, we have been raising awareness among our hauliers of the changes needed to protect our planet. For example, we have organised meetings with local hauliers to explain our strategy for decarbonising transport. Then we took action, with 27 routes now using alternative energies! I can confirm that our partners are aware of the issues at stake and have taken the ecological path, in particular by installing biofuel tanks in their depots or by purchasing biogas tractors," explains Guillaume Galonnier, Viaposte's Regional Transport Director for the South-West of France.

Between May and June 2023, Viaposte is accelerating the decarbonisation of the energy mix by joining forces with several transport companies in the South-West region to switch new transport links to biogas and biofuel.

Towards alternative energies for freight transport

On the road to biogas

Thanks to partner carriers TDS Transport, Transpost Ocean, El Hammoumi and Trans Express Thelohan, Viaposte has just switched seven transport links managed on behalf of the Groupe La Poste to biogas, which will represent 719,712 carbon-free km/year.

"To date, we have already recorded 44,920 kilometres covered by biogas in the South-West region since the introduction of hybrid vehicles in May 2023." adds Guillaume Galonnier.


En route to XTL with Transpost Ocean

Concerned about the environment, partner haulier Transpost Ocean has been working with ADEME Poitou-Charentes since January 2015 on a charter aimed at reducing CO2 emissions from the operation of its road fleet.

For example, the group makes a point of training its drivers in eco-driving, enabling them to save 120,000 litres of diesel fuel since 2019. Smooth, fluid driving can reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%, according to the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME).

And to speed up the transition to less polluting transport, Transpost Ocean has just enabled Viaposte to switch two transport routes in the South-West region for La Poste to XTL. This corresponds to 79,101 km/year now run on biofuel.

Transpost Ocean decarbonises road transport

XTL, an alternative fuel made solely from waste, could reduce fuel consumption by up to :

  • - 90% lower CO2 emissions than fossil diesel
  • - 33% of particulate emissions
  • - 24% of carbon monoxide emissions
  • - 9% of nitrogen oxide emissions.


"On 1 June 2023, we ran our first service with a biogas (bioGNC) vehicle. This decision was taken to support Viaposte's 'Decarbonisation' project. As a haulier, we are sensitive to the fact that we drive 'clean', it's part of our values, but often the economic reality doesn't allow us to put this into practice. Viaposte is encouraging all carriers to adopt this approach, and it's reassuring to know that we have financial support. In fact, biogas energy offers a number of advantages, such as reduced CO2 emissions , no fuel theft and a positive corporate image in line with our ethics. The disadvantages are financial: investment and maintenance costs are higher, and the bio-CNG supply network is currently smaller. However, we're satisfied with the way it's being used and are delighted to be able to follow Viaposte in this noble project." says Mr Brosseau, deputy managing director of the Transpost Ocean group.

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