Presidential elections: logistical operations for the 1st round have begun!

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At the start of the presidential campaign for the elections scheduled for 10 and 24 April 2022, the Ministry of the Interior and the prefectures are on the alert to deliver programmes and ballot papers to voters.

Following calls for tender in January, Viaposte was entrusted with the preparation of electoral mail for the 49, 72 and 88 departments, which was then transported by La Poste.

More than 26 million documents (election propaganda and ballot papers) have to be assembled and put in envelopes for about 1.1 million voters between 26 March and 6 April.

To achieve this, Viaposte has mobilised several hundred people at its sites in Joué-Lès-Tours, Angers and Fontenoy-sur-Moselle, the vast majority of whom are temporary workers, working closely with its partner temporary employment agencies.

Election preparation

3 questions to Yannick Cherrière...

Yannick Cherrière, Viaposte's Operations Director in charge of the organisation of the elections at national level.

1. What actions were taken beforehand to prepare for the challenge of the 1er round?

The "elections" are prepared several months in advance. It is a real collaborative effort that involves both the support functions (methods and processes, maintenance and sales) and the operational functions of the logistics sites. All together, we work in "project" mode with dozens of points that require joint decisions and actions. This challenge can only be met with the active participation of all and by building on the achievements of the last elections.

2. How did you prepare the staff?

For the past few weeks, according to a production plan, Viaposte's teams on sites with an advertising print activity and Duplo machines (Joué-Lès-Tours, Fontenoy-sur-Moselle and Velaux) have been training and preparing dozens of Viaposte's machine pilots so that they are ready on D-day. They were then assigned according to production needs by mission letters.

In the case of stuffing envelopes, the logistics site managers communicated their resource requirements well in advance to the partner temporary employment agencies in order to respond effectively.

3. What are the lessons or points of vigilance for the 2nd round and the next legislative elections?

More than an obligation of means, we have an obligation of result. We are all mobilised to ensure that the mail is delivered to the postmen and women on the agreed dates, and to ensure the impeccable quality of the assembly.

Portrait of Michaël Guillotin

Portrait of Michaël Guillotin, manager of the Viaposte platform in Joué-Lès-Tours and elected postal worker of the year (Viaposte is a subsidiary of La Poste) for his commitment to the 2021 regional elections

On Tuesday 22 June 2021, Michaël Guillotin, manager of Viaposte's logistics platform in Joué-lès-Tours, will begin an election marathon.

His mission after a 1er round that passed without a hitch a week earlier: to organise putting ballot papers in envelopes for the second round of the regional elections for the departments of Maine-et-Loire and Sarthe, i.e. nearly one million voters.

"I prepared my teams for this challenge collectively. We organised the workstations and at kick-off it was all hands on deck."

Michael Guillotin photo portrait

It was a battle: "On a national scale, five million items were collected by the Post Office on Thursday afternoon for distribution on Friday morning! It was really very busy," says Michaël with a smile. This service generated a need for a thousand temporary workers to reinforce the thirty or so employees in post. This was a complex project in terms of logistics and, above all, human resources management.

Michaël Guillotin quickly organised meetings with clients, prefectures and the Ministry of the Interior, as well as with all of his employees and partner temporary employment agencies to manage the mass of documents to be sent. "We were lucky that the students were available at the end of the school year," adds the platform manager.

"We ran 24 hours a day with a team of 25 permanent staff. But the real challenge was to manage a large number of people in a very short time, i.e. five shifts of 200 operators working for six hours. Without this team spirit, we would never have achieved our goal. It's really a collective success. »

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