Project Manager/ Owner - Testimony of the Month

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In January, Marion, Project Manager/ Owner at Viaposte, spoke to us about her job.

What is a Project Manager/ Owner ?

"When I arrived at Viaposte a year ago, my job was to create the link between IT tools and their users" says Marion.  At Viaposte, a logistics and transport player, she works on two transport software used by both partner carriers and employees. The first is dedicated to freight, and the second to palletised messaging. "I didn't specialise in transportation, I discovered this area after school and I was very attracted to project management" explains Marion.

Being a Project Manager/ Owner means knowing how to define the project perimeter so that you can then assign tasks to available resources while anticipating risks.

"When I arrived at Viaposte, the position met my expectations perfectly. I like the fact that there are a lot of opportunities. We are lucky to be able to work with different trades during our projects"

Project Manager/ Owner's missions

From simple parameterisation to the implementation of an interface dedicated to the carrier and to the customer, the requests are varied and of greater or lesser complexity.
By working hand in hand with the IT department; steering, reporting and monitoring are among the essential missions of the Project Manager/Owner.
Being rigorous and equipped with a good analytical capacity, the Project Manager/Owner works with several of the company’s departments and acts as a link between the different interlocutors to bring the project to a successful conclusion.
The missions of the Project Manager/Owner are diverse, he/she must ensure that the project, costs, deadlines as well as the result and the quality that he/she has defined with the client are respected.
"When I arrived at Viaposte, the position met my expectations perfectly. I like the fact that there are a lot of opportunities. We are lucky to be able to work with different trades during our projects" says Marion.

What studies must you do to become a Project Manager/ Owner ?

Different paths lead to the role of Project Manager/ Owner, however the classic path is to study a Master's degree (Baccalaureate +5 years). You can specialise in Computer Science, Project Management or Business Management.

Viaposte's transport offers

Viaposte offers its V-FRET  and  V-REGULAR  offerings.  These tools can be used to track transport orders, delivery tracking, billing, etc.
To learn more about Viaposte's transportation activities, visit here
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