Human Resources Manager - testimony of the month

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Ariane joined Viaposte in the summer of 2020 as a Human Resources Manager (HRM) for Viaposte's Ile-de-France South area. In her area of responsibility, she provides day-to-day support to the logistics platforms in Chilly-Mazarin and Bonneuil-sur-Marne.

Discover through her testimony the specificities of her job.

What does the job of human resources manager at Viaposte involve?

The position of Human Resources Manager is central to Viaposte. It implements the company's HR strategy and flagship projects, based on the resources managed and the expectations of operational staff.

Ariane works in Viaposte's logistics business. In this capacity, she and her team support all the employees of the logistics platforms in her area in the development of their skills. She is also in constant contact with many people, in particular the operations managers - in charge of production management - and the support services.

The tasks of the human resources manager

Ariane's main tasks are to ensure the administrative management of all sorting centre staff, to coordinate recruitment according to needs and orientations and to ensure the development of staff skills.

She must therefore be very attentive to the establishment of an appropriate continuous training system and possess great listening, analysis and negotiation skills.

Generally speaking, her knowledge of labour law and regulatory obligations is obviously essential to her tasks.

Versatility and adaptability are necessary qualities to be able to respond effectively and quickly to the demands of the operation and to fluctuations in the activity," says Ariane

Which studies should I follow to become a human resources manager?

To work as a human resources manager, you need to have a five-year degree in human resources or social law. There are a number of courses of study for this profession.

The qualities required to enter this profession are:

Rigour, organisation and reactivity, to coordinate and respond to requests and to constantly adapt to changes and fluctuations in activities.

Being approachable and having good listening skills, to understand the needs of both managers and employees.

The search for a compromise between the needs expressed and the obligations inherent in the function.

Viaposte's offers

Do you want to take on new challenges? Viaposte has several jobs in the HR function. Lucille, assistant payroll manager, tells us about hers.

You can also check out our job offers or make an unsolicited application in our "careers" section.

To find out more about Viaposte's expertise in logistics, industrial maintenance and transport, go here.

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