Tenerity has chosen the V-DOC offer

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Since 2014, Viaposte has been the logistics partner of Tenerity France, a world leader in the design of innovative customer loyalty solutions.

Tenerity has chosen Viaposte's V-DOC offer for its paper operations: processing of mail with personal data (compliance with RGPD standards), enveloping, mass mailing at economical postage rates, and finally delivery to the postal network once a week.

This operation is carried out at the Viaposte site in Bonneuil-sur-Marne, either manually or mechanically, depending on the items, and requires several full-time staff to process large volumes of around 150,000 items per year.

Logistics services for Tenerity

"We were won over by Viaposte's professionalism and adaptability. The team understood our priority in terms of protecting our customers' personal data and fully integrated our specifications. I can only recommend this very friendly and rigorous team," says Agnes ROL, Senior Account Manager at Tenerity.

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