What actions has Viaposte taken to protect the goods entrusted to it by its customers?

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Logistics warehouses, in which goods circulate, are in constant motion and are sometimes the target of malicious acts. It is therefore essential to be extremely vigilant about product security. What actions has Viaposte taken to protect the goods entrusted to it by its customers?

Logistics platforms under 24-hour video surveillance

Video surveillance, the main security tool at Viaposte's logistics warehouses, allows us to monitor :

  • The exterior of the buildings with the monitoring of entries and exits
  • The inner perimeter of the platforms with increased surveillance of storage areas, order picking areas and docks

NB: The images are stored for 30 days and can only be consulted by authorised personnel.

Warehouse access control

Staff traffic

Our sites are equipped with Advanced Guard Posts whose mission is to control the entry and exit of vehicles and access to the interior of our warehouses is only possible after passing through a badge system.

Some of our platforms are also equipped with Inspection and Screening Stations, placed under the responsibility of security providers.

Restricting access by zone

We take care to restrict access to sensitive areas to authorised personnel only and have also installed intruder alarm systems in our high value storage areas.

Control of drivers

At Viaposte, we manage our customers' transport activities by contracting with a network of 600 referenced partner transporters who have been checked beforehand on the basis of due diligence documents: Kbis, URSSAF certificate, tax clearance certificate, declaration of foreign employees, contractual civil liability insurance for goods, transport licences and professional civil liability insurance.

On the other hand, each time a lorry arrives at our logistics warehouses, our Advanced Guard Posts (AGPs) consult a timetable to ensure that the lorries can enter. The AGPs check the drivers' identities and ensure that the registration and security seal match the consignment note. The drivers are then welcomed by our "Reception" teams.

For exits, our "Departure" teams place a security seal on the trailers at the end of loading and the PGAs check the exit schedule and the correct placement of the seal before opening the gates.

Induction of new employees

Viaposte systematically checks the conformity of identity documents presented on the first day of the assignment. In addition, each employee and temporary worker signs the "Viaposte Customer Commitment Charter", a document setting out the expected ethical behaviour.

Safety training for our entire management team

Viaposte relies on the skills of a National Security Manager who trains our employees and implements preventive measures to limit risk factors.

Security obviously involves technical installations but not only that! The application of processes and the awareness of our managers of security rules and standards are essential" Olivier Leclinet, Viaposte's National Security Manager.

Since June 2021, he has trained more than 350 of our managers in a training module including:

  • Security risks
  • Reasons for customer dissatisfaction
  • Security measures and equipment in place
  • Detection of malicious acts

Security of goods: a concern shared with our customers

Whether we carry out our logistics activities from our own platforms or by integrating teams within our customers' warehouses, we are committed to applying the same security measures at all our locations.

In order to keep the customer at the centre of our commitments, Viaposte assists them in setting up security agreements aimed at defining responsibilities and offers their security managers time to discuss the preventive actions implemented.

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