Article from Info Social RH : Kliff by Randstad, the first adapted temporary work company

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23/03/2020, Rouguyata Sall

Professional future: adapted temporary work companies are an experiment

In February, Sophie Cluzel, the French Secretary of State for Persons with Disabilities, inaugurated the first agency "Kliff by Randstad", located on the forecourt of the RER D station in Saint-Denis (93). Adapted temporary work companies are an experiment stemming from the "Professional Future" Act of September 2018. Since November 20, 2019, four adapted companies (ACs) have been authorized to set up an interim agency dedicated to people with disabilities. Fastroad, an adapted company specializing in the transport of goods and people, is the first to launch alongside the Randstad Group to create a social joint venture.

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The agency, which has two permanent members of staff, is headed by Jean-Marie Hugues, who is also Kliff by Randstad’s Development Director. The majority of the 150 candidates are between the age of 25 and 45 and have a disability that is not visible. Some have few qualifications and others have substantial qualifications, such as the management controller who lost the use of his legs as a result of a road accident. "He has an amazing career path, he has worked in large groups, but is struggling to manage his return to work," says Jean-Marie Hugues. Training is provided to increase the skills of the candidates. Kliff also educates companies about disability, especially on adapting positions, which is not always necessary.
Jean-Marie Hugues visits companies for this purpose, as "in order to see if there is access for people with reduced mobility, to know if you can arrange the workstation to suit their needs, you must go in person". And if the placement continues, he goes back, "to identify if there are skill adjustments to be made."


Yasmine, 47, who met Kliff through Cap Emploi, was a self-employed restaurant worker for six years, until her activity became incompatible with her health. Her disability, recognised by the MDPH, is not visible. This woman wants to find a job in the secretarial field and, to do so, has taken training courses as an administrative agent and receptionist. "I'm just starting out, I have no experience and I'm having trouble finding a job. I thought to myself, maybe I have a chance through temporary work," she hopes.

Candidates on the Viaposte platform in Chilly-Mazarin

Kliff has already placed secretaries, but also order pickers, warehouse agents and a laboratory technician. Not forgetting the routing of parcels and letters, with Viaposte, the logistics subsidiary of the French Post Office. The first candidate placed in this company is a 37-year-old man who has just started a job as a sorting agent at the Chilly-Mazarin platform. "I'm very happy, because I've been looking for work for a year. I had interviews, I passed the tests". In vain, especially when he mentioned his hereditary disability, "which is not too obvious and does not create too many constraints for working".

Patrice Moreau, director of this platform, had already worked with Jean-Marie Hugues and also with Randstad. "Jean-Marie Hugues had a solid knowledge of our operation, our CSR commitments and inclusion," he says. This first recruitment was therefore smoother and more efficient and made him want to extend the partnership with Kliff.

"Our objective is to rapidly expand our territory"

It will soon be able to do so closer to its platform, as Kliff is planning to open an agency in the south of the Île-de-France region, but also in the Lyon area, before the end of 2020. "Our objective is to rapidly expand our territory," says Laurent Morestain. As does Manuel Bonnet, who is delighted with the "real appetite of clients and people with disabilities". Both see temporary work as an additional solution for the employment of disabled people.

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