Article from Épinal Infos : "Presidential elections 2022 : The little hands are busy enveloping the electoral documents".

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Epinal Infos

02/04/2022, Celia Klein

Many people are busy inserting ballot papers and propaganda for the presidential election in envelopes

In the Vosges, many people are busy inserting ballot papers and propaganda for the presidential election in envelopes. That is more than 7.5 million documents in a very short period of time.

In the Vosges, many people are currently working on putting electoral documents in envelopes. These documents are being sent in preparation for the first round of voting for the election of the President of the Republic. The election will take place on Sundays 10 April and 24 April.

"The mission of the local commission for the control of electoral propaganda is to proceed with the labelling of the envelopes intended for the distribution of the electoral propaganda of the candidates to each voter of the department of the Vosges, to send to the voters of the department of the Vosges the circulars and the electoral ballot papers handed over by the candidates and finally to send to each town hall the electoral ballot papers handed over by the candidates in order to put them at the disposal of the voters in the polling stations on the 10th and the 24th of April", explains the prefecture of the Vosges.

7.5 million documents

In the Vosges department, the operations of inserting the propaganda and packing the ballot papers lead to the handling of nearly 7.5 million documents over a very short period.

These operations were outsourced to La Poste under a public contract. The assembly work was carried out on 29 and 30 March at three mechanisation sites via Médiapost and Viaposte. The enveloping of the documents is then carried out in the Vosges department by La Poste, which began these operations on 30 March.

After assembly, enveloping

At the same time, the packing of ballot papers for the 507 communes for the 655 polling stations in the department began on 29 March.

The distribution of the electoral propaganda in the mailboxes, which concerns 285,833 Vosges voters, started on 31 March.


Article Epinal Infos  Préparation des élections


Article Epinal Info - 02 avril 2022

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