How and why become a transport manager?

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The road transport sector has no standstill. According to a study carried out in May 2021 by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, 72% of total transport-related expenditure came from road transport.

In order to guarantee optimal performance, every transport company needs a smooth organisation and a strong team of experts. The transport manager is the key to ensuring smooth operations and is indispensable within the company. Organisation, monitoring of relations with transporters, implementation of transport plans, administrative management linked to transport missions: the job of transport manager requires great rigour in the variety of tasks assigned to him/her to carry out this rewarding work.

Find out from Viaposte about the role and tasks of a good transport manager and the training required for this varied job. 

What is a road transport manager?

Definition of road transport manager

The transport manager is a professional who works in a company to steer the organisation and management of road transport activities for goods. He/she plays a central role within the teams and provides a permanent link between all the parties involved: employees, logistics manager, director, etc. As a holder of a certificate of professional competence, the transport manager masters the regulations relating to the road transport of goods within or outside the company.

The transport manager shall guarantee to the transport company :

  • a smoother organisation of transport operations;
  • reduced transport and logistics costs;
  • saving time both internally and externally;
  • optimal quality of service;
  • an increase in road transport capacity.

In this sense, the transport manager assumes a large number of tasks to ensure the smooth running of services on the road. In addition to holding the certificate of professional competence, he must reside in the European Union and meet the requirements of good repute set out in Articles R. 3211-24 to R. 3211-31 and R. 3211-36 to R. 3211-42.

Tasks of the transport manager in road transport companies

The tasks of the transport manager differ according to the activity of the company in which he or she is employed. They may concern :

  • managing the maintenance of the vehicles that carry out the company's road transport activity;
  • the organisation of routes in accordance to the available drivers ;
  • the search for partner transporters;
  • assigning loads of goods to the carrier according to the schedule;
  • the purchase of exceptional transport links;
  • accounting assignments;
  • anomaly management ;
  • checking the administrative documents for the transport service: contract, certificates, driver's logbook, etc. ;
  • monitoring procedures to ensure compliance with safety regulations;
  • management of a team of transport assistants.

Salary of the road transport manager

The road transport manager works at a managerial level: his salary must therefore be based on the remuneration provided for in the "transport" collective agreement.

The average salary of a road transport manager varies between €1500 and €2300 net per month. However, these salaries can evolve depending on the position:

  • the company where the transport manager is employed: public or private site;
  • the status of the transport manager: external service provider, company employee;
  • the employee's working time: full-time or part-time;
  • the experience of the transport manager: beginner or experienced.

How to become a transport manager?

Which professional training to become a transport manager?

To become a transport manager, it is necessary to follow professional training in the field of transport. The job is accessible at a level of BAC+2, but more and more employers are recruiting candidates with a BAC+5, who are better equipped to manage this responsible position.

To become a transport manager, a person can follow a professional training course such as :

  • BTS international trade ;
  • DUT logistics ;
  • BTS transport.

To complete the vocational training, an observation period is recommended to develop skills in the organisation and management of road transport activities within companies.

To work as a road transport manager, the attestation of competence is indispensable. It is necessary to pass a national examination after registering with a centre that provides the professional training required to obtain the attestation of competence. The Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing (DREAL) is responsible for validating the examination.

Any person who can prove professional expertise of more than 5 years in a transport operations management position or who holds a BTS Transport, BTS Transport and Logistics Services or DUT Logistics and Transport Management diploma may apply for equivalence to obtain the attestation of professional competence in transport without taking the exam. A commission studies the request on a case-by-case basis.

Qualities needed to work as a transport manager

In order to manage all road transport activities in the company, the transport manager must be able to motivate the teams with which he/she works. A relationship of mutual trust will lead to good group management. The transport manager must have obvious managerial skills and master the fundamentals of business communication: a sense of effective communication, being a good public speaker, having self-confidence.

In order to make the right decisions at the right time, the transport manager needs to have sufficient distance to analyse the situation and propose appropriate solutions. As a wealth of information, he or she has unlimited knowledge in the field of road transport management and the associated tasks and assignments.

The activity of the transport manager and its developments

If the job of a transport manager is anything but routine, a change of professional career may occur. The job of transport manager offers opportunities to become a purchasing manager, logistics manager or warehouse manager. Similarly, an employed transport manager may choose to set up his or her own transport company and become self-employed.

Viaposte is at your service for the organisation and management of your road freight transport

Viaposte is at your disposal to manage your road freight from A to Z. As such, we offer you our expertise to organise and supervise your flows, through our services:

Palletized mail:

We ensure your transport of 1 to 3 pallets from France by ensuring the good performance of the carrier;

> Transport of goods in batches or complete:

We manage the transport of your goods taking into account the volume and specificity of your flows;

> Occasional or unforeseen freighting:

We ensure the proper management of urgent and exceptional transport of your goods.

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