NPS: Customer satisfaction, a major concern for Viaposte

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Customer satisfaction is one of the main concerns of any company that wants to build its reputation and customer loyalty, while standing out from its competitors.  
Among the wide range of tools available to companies to measure it, the NPS (Net Promoter Score) is one of the most reliable and accurate.

Viaposte, a key player in the logistics, industrial maintenance and transport markets, has made customer satisfaction its top priority, and for the 7th year running is carrying out a survey of its customers to take stock of the successes and areas for improvement within its organisation.

Discover our exclusive results for the NPS 2024.

NPS: concept and challenges for companies

Definition of NPS

NPS is a key indicator when it comes to adjusting customer loyalty plans, and is increasingly used by companies. Behind this acronym lies a powerful tool for measuring the propensity of customers or prospects to recommend a company. NPS is interpretable customer satisfaction data that can be easily compared with other companies in the same sector.

This performance indicator enables the company to make adjustments and rethink the strategy deployed internally if necessary, always with a view to continuously improve.


The NPS in practice

Often expressed on a scale of 1 to 10 (from the lowest to the highest score), the NPS is calculated using a single question: "How likely are you to recommend our company?".

To obtain the NPS score, once the responses have been collected, the percentage of detractors, i.e. the most dissatisfied customers, is deducted from the percentage of promoters, i.e. the customers most inclined to convey a positive image of the company. The score can thus vary between -100 (great dissatisfaction and no recommendations) and 100 (satisfaction and maximum recommendations).

NPS: Viaposte continues to enjoy high levels of satisfaction

We have a long-standing commitment to customer satisfaction! For example, since 2017 we have been conducting NPS surveys among our customers to gather their opinions on the company's main activities, which are: 

  • Logistics
  • Industrial maintenance and
  • Road transport.


Viapost NPS surveys: retrospective 2021/2022/2023

The NPS survey carried out each year by Viaposte looks at both technical and relational aspects, with particular emphasis on quality of service and customer relations, meeting deadlines, support and the customer experience.

Looking back over the last three years, our results show clear and constant growth every year:

While the results of the various sub-items analysed vary from one edition to the next, the close relationship between the teams and the tailor-made support provided by the services we offer means our customers are recommending us more year on year.


Summary 2024 

On the strength of its last 3 NPS surveys, this year we intend to renew our commitment to maximum customer satisfaction with the implementation of the 2024 edition!

The NPS 2024 survey was carried out among customers active between June 2023 and June 2024.

Our NPS score reached 66.66 this year, the best score recorded since we launched our satisfaction surveys in 2017.

In detail, we obtained scores of : 

  • 71.43 in maintenance
  • 62.5 in the logistics sector, and 
  • 70 for our transport activities.


Let our customers have their say!

The NPS 2024 survey is once again enabling Viaposte to review its practices and adjust them to achieve maximum customer satisfaction, based on the invaluable feedback received. See you next time!


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