Night transport assistant - Testimonial of the month

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Mamadi, a former postman at La Poste, joined the Viaposte team in 2021 as a Night Transport Assistant. Find out more about the specificities of his job through his testimony.

What does the job of Night Transport Assistant at Viaposte involve?

The job of a night transport assistant consists of providing a continuous service in the management of road links and the resolution of anomalies at night. The transport assistant is in contact with the carriers as well as with the customers to ensure the follow-up of the transports in progress and any purchase of additional links. 

As an actor in the quality of service, his administrative rigour and stress management enable him to act effectively in: 

> Anomaly resolution: when an anomaly is detected during the evening, the night transport assistant takes the necessary actions to resolve it as quickly as possible. In certain situations, an exchange with the teams present allows the solutions to be defined collectively. 
> Anomaly reporting: the transport assistant reports in the tools any anomaly encountered during a transport operation in order to monitor its resolution, keep track of it and share the information with the day's teams, which may be called upon to take over.

Generally speaking, the challenges of the night transport assistant's job are to ensure that the quality of our services is maintained for our customers and to guarantee them a permanent level of satisfaction and performance. 

Performance and the search for solutions are truly rooted in Viaposte's values," says Mamadi

What are the qualities required for this profession?

The position of Night Transport Assistant requires knowledge of the transport sector and in particular the legislation in force.

The qualities required to enter this profession are:

> A sense of teamwork, which is fundamental to ensure good coordination and monitoring of transport during the day and night.
> Availability, reactivity and stress management, in order to deal with various and spontaneous contingencies. 
> The ability to listen and the ability to relate to people, to understand and satisfy the customer's needs.

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